4 October 2024

Earth Day – Easy Ways to be More Sustainable

With Earth Day on 22 April, sustainability is high on everyone’s agenda. Most salons have already introduced some sustainable practices into their businesses.

In recognition of Earth Day this weekend, here are some simple sustainability tips if you want to increase your eco credentials.

Earth Day

Think about how your salon looks when you’re not there – do you really need display lights and reception lights on throughout the evening? Check that everything is switched off and unplugged before leaving the salon and when not in use, you’ll soon notice how much you save in energy. Go paperless with receipts, menus, price lists and loyalty cards. Many clients don’t carry a purse with them anymore and these can just end up in bins, so use digital communication when you can. Robert Kirby, Robert Kirby London

Introduce some sustainable goals to the team, so that everyone can play their part and have something to aim for. Then before you know it, you will all be doing this on auto pilot and it will be second nature. Make a list of all the things you do from recycling to towels and saving water. You might just come to realise how green you already are! Ria Kulik, The Hair Bank, Urmston, Manchester

When upgrading tools or equipment in the salon, look at brands that are more energy efficient with eco at the heart of their business. Not only will it save you money in the long run, you will also be doing your bit for the environment. Talk to your product supplier about adding more green credentials into your business. It’s surprising how many small differences you can make by working together. Marcello Moccia, Room 97 Creative, Wakefield


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