After a day of rigorous judging by a prestigious panel of industry judges, Phoebe Carraro has received the Sassoon Scholarship award.
The Scholarship receives support from Denman International as well as the Fellowship for British Hairdressing and Sassoon Academy. If is for anyone who is passionate about their craft but may not have the opportunity to undergo training. The Scholarship is open to all Fellowship members. Pheobe will receive her choice from four Sassoon courses to learn and enhance skills in cutting, colour and styling. She will also receive a professional took kit and expenses courtesy of Denman International.
Phoebe Carraro was the winner, but a mention also goes to Jodie Wheeler and Emma McLaughlin, who were the two runners up.
“I was ecstatic when I received the phone call to say I was the winner,” said Phoebe. “My heart was pounding out of excitement and joy. I ran back to my salon to tell everyone the good news. This really is a career changing opportunity” I will continue to feel the value from this for the rest of my career. I hope to gain much more knowledge on cutting techniques and applying these to different hair types. And to my knowledge on creative hairdressing techniques so I can continue to create beautiful hair every day.”