Registration for the OMC World Cup Online 2021 competition is open until October 31, 2021! Act now to participate!
The Organisation Mondiale Coiffure is now accepting submissions for the OMC World Cup Online 2021. The deadline is October 31, 2021, so there is still time for aspiring contestants in many categories to send in their entries.
OMC World Cup Online 2021 offers a global platform to competitors of the beauty sector to become world champions in their field of specialization. Competitors are up against their peers from all 5 continents. Indeed, the organisation is the largest in the world, with over 50 member countries and over 1 million individual members. Other global events are organized for salon professionals throughout the year. These often focus on education and other industry issues.
As in all competitions, participants must comply with the rules outlined in detail in the OMC Competition Guide Book Version A-2021-2022 and the OMC Inspirational Guide Book Version A-2021-2022. Most of all, there must be 3 photos for each submission (front-side- and back views). All view must be on either a black or white background. PHOTOSHOP can only be used to create the white or black backdrop. The photo must be a natural image of the model or mannequin. Any submissions that do not comply with these and other rules will be disqualified.
This is a great opportunity to shine in your specialization, gain competition experience, hone new skills, and set yourself new professional challenges and aspirations. Competition categories cover women’s or men’s hair looks, make-up, nail art and eyebrow tattoos.