7 September 2024

New Clients: The Do’s and Don’ts

In the hair industry for almost 25 years, Lisa Whiteman reveals her top professional salon tips ton how to get it right first time when meeting new clients.

Lisa Whiteman, Goldwell UK Ambassador and director of stylish London salon Whiteman Soho she has been a trainer and mentor to many salon owners and talented up-and-coming hairdressers both nationally and internationally. Keeping an eye on the commercial side is a priority for her. Her motto? ’Keep a positive, mental attitude! Never stop learning and keep giving’.

New client contact: 5 things you need to do

1. Always greet the client confidently even if you don’t feel confident inside. First impressions are extremely important and if she sees your a little unconfident it will compromise your relationship throughout the whole appointment.

2. Listen to the clients needs and if she runs out of things to say ask questions to help her get to what she is looking to achieve on her visit.

3. Don’t start touching her hair until she feels a little relaxed with you and in the salon. This is hard to gauge but if you are concerned then just ask her if you may feel her hair to check the shape and, or condition

4. Always start with eye contact at the same level as the client or below. This will make her feel a little more at ease. Otherwise it can feel like she’s lost control of herself to you immediately. I recommend whatever feels comfortable for both of you. Either side by side on a sofa or stool or you sitting on a cutting stool next to the mirror, for instance.

5. Recognize the lifestyle of the client and the way she dresses. This may inspire you to reach your final look and get to a conclusion during the consultation. Always complement their bag, shoes, dress etc. A massive bonus and brownie points for observation.

New client contact: 5 things it’s best to avoid

1. Don’t walk past the client several times before you greet her. Greet her immediately and introduce yourself. if you are still busy with another client. Tell her you will be a few minutes and be right back.

2. Avoid talking badly about their previous haircut. Nobody likes a smart arse. Just talk about positive new aspects and dimensions to the next style.

3. Avoid saying negative things about her previous maintenance routine by avoiding sentences like “Your hair is very dry, or damaged” or “you’ve had too much colour on it.” Or “you can never look like the picture.”

4. Never keep a new client waiting. They are already feeling like an outsider and every second will make a difference to her mood and expectations of the salon. She will want to “fit in” quickly and so you have to avoid keeping them waiting more than a few minutes

5. Some clients will not know the terminology that we use and will feel uncomfortable when talking about their hair and what they want. Do not stay silent and listen to them struggle with words. They will “give up” and then say something like “ do what you want” ultimately this is a disaster waiting to happen. They are being put under pressure and can’t escape.


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