How many times have you hired amazing massage therapists (or estheticians) only to discover that while they excel at their craft, they often lack the social skills required to build their guest list?
The massage therapist is able to wow guests with their knowledge and skills during the time of service, but so often getting therapists to interact with the guests in the salon can be a challenge.
Why not harness the strength of your hair department and use it to promote other services within your salon? Consider this: If you have six stylists you have the potential to add 18 to 36 new appointments per month for the new massage therapist. After 90 days you will have provided them with enough guests to build a level one practice.
Here’s how it works:
1. Create some really cool-looking golden tickets with your logo and salon name printed on them. Then have the massage therapist give each participating stylist a free, one-hour massage.
2. Give 3 to 6 Golden Tickets to each participating stylist.
3. Arm each stylist with a script that sounds something like this: “I had the most amazing massage the other day from our new massage therapist, {name}! I have a few Golden Tickets for our best guests, giving you the chance to receive a massage for only {special price}. I’m only able to offer this deal to three people a month and I thought of you! If you’d like I can give you a Golden Ticket, and we can make appointments for your next hair cut and a massage before you leave today.”
For more information on building a massage practice, click here!
- By Summit Salon Business Center –